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Adobe After Effects is a digital visual adobe after effects cc 2015 software free full version freemotion graphicsand compositing application developed by Adobe Systems and used in the post-production process of film makingvideo games and television production.

Among other things, After Effects can be used for keyingtrackingcompositingand animation. It also functions as a very basic non-linear editoraudio editor, and media transcoder. Inthe program won an Academy Award for scientific and technical achievement. Adobe's first new release of After Effects was version 3. The following is the list of versions of After Effects over the years, including the first two versions released by CoSA.

After Effects functionality can be extended through a variety of third-party integrations, the most common integrations are: plug-ins, scripts, and extensions. After Effects Scripts, unlike plug-ins, can only access the core functionality of After Effects.

Scripts are often developed to automate нажмите сюда tasks, adobe after effects cc 2015 software free full version free simplify complex After Effects features, or to perform complex calculations that would otherwise take a long time to complete.

Scripts can also use some functionality not directly exposed through the graphical user interface. While not dedicated to compositing, the open source software Blender contains a limited node-based compositing feature which, among other things is capable of basic keying and blurring effects.

Official website. From Adobe after effects cc 2015 software free full version free, the free encyclopedia. Digital motion graphics and compositing software.

June 21, Retrieved August 3, December 12, Retrieved February 14, Retrieved March 14, Computer Graphics World. Retrieved December 26, Retrieved December 15, Archived from the original on October 29, /3481.txt December 4, Retrieved November 15, Creative Mac.

Archived from the original on November 5, Digital Arts. Adobe Blog. Retrieved May 17, Retrieved April 15, September April June May Archived from the нажмите чтобы узнать больше on March 5, October December Retrieved January 12, January 27, January 19, Retrieved January 19, Retrieved April 19, June 13, Retrieved November 6, October 18, January 23, Retrieved January 23, April 3, Retrieved April 3, Retrieved October 26, October 15, December 11, Retrieved December 13, January 24, Retrieved February 19, May 19, Retrieved May 28, October 20, March 10, Retrieved March 10, October 16, Retrieved October 27, Retrieved Retrieved March 19, May 18, Adobe Creative Suite and Creative Cloud.

Adobe Inc. Category Commons. Digital compositing software. Motion graphics and animation software. Pivot Animator. Adobe Director Avid Elastic Reality.

Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community adobe after effects cc 2015 software free full version free Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Wikimedia Commons.

Company of Science and Art. January ; 29 years ago Windows 10 x64 only v and later, macOS Visual effectsMotion graphicsCompositingComputer animation. Trialwaresoftware as a service SaaS. Time Layout window, image sequence support, motion blur, multi-machine rendering, frame blending, proxies. Power Macintosh version PPC [6]. File formats, multiprocessing; last Mac x0 version.

Flowchart view, watch folder, 3D channel effects, collect files command, auto deinterlacing, sequence layers, save favorite effects. January 7, [9]. Advanced 3D renderer, multiple 3D views, import camera data, colored shadows, projection layers, effects palette, post render actions, advanced lightning, adjustment layer lights, smart mask, looping via expressions, RealMedia output, expression controllers, Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator Classic bundled; first OS X version.

Shape layers, puppet tool, brainstorm, clip notes, Photoshop vanishing point import, adaptive motion blur, per character 3D text animation, real-time audio playback, simultaneous multi-frame rendering, SWF vector import, bit linear blending, full color management; first Universal Binary Intel Mac version.

October 6, [11]. Fixes "locking existing frames" message delay at start of RAM preview, decreased performance due to Wacom driver conflict, aerender not shutting down background processes, and miscellaneous crashes especially on Mac OS X April 30, [12]. September 3, [14]. April 8, [15]. Fixes an читать больше data type" error opening project with missing effects, a crash with Directional Blur and other effects on computers with 16 or more logical processors, and a crash opening a composition created by Automatic Duck Pro Import AE.

April 11, [16]. June 30, [17]. Fixes for delay when typing in a text layer if mouse pointer was above the Composition panel, and inability to use an upgrade serial number.



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See Placeholders and proxies. Current Settings default uses the current settings for Effect switches. All On renders all applied effects. All Off renders no effects. Solo Switches. Current Settings default uses the current settings for Solo switches for each layer. All Off renders as if all Solo switches are off.

See Solo a layer. Guide Layers. Current Settings renders guide layers in the top-level composition. All Off the default setting does not render guide layers. Guide layers in nested compositions are never rendered. See Guide layers. Current Settings default uses the project bit depth. See Color depth and high dynamic range color. Frame Blending. On For Checked Layers renders frame blending only for layers with the Frame Blending switch set, regardless of the Enable Frame Blending setting for the composition.

See Frame blending. Field Render. Determines the field-rendering technique used for the rendered composition. Choose Off if you are rendering for film or for display on a computer screen. See Interlaced video and separating fields. Specifies the phase of pulldown. See Introduce pulldown.

Current Settings uses the current settings for the Motion Blur layer switch and the Enable Motion Blur composition switch. On For Checked Layers renders motion blur only for layers with the Motion Blur layer switch set, regardless of the Enable Motion Blur setting for the composition.

Off For All Layers renders all layers without motion blur regardless of the layer switch and composition switch settings. See Motion blur. How much of the composition to render. To render the entire composition, choose Length Of Comp. To render only the part of the composition indicated by the work area markers, choose Work Area Only.

To render a custom time span, choose Custom. See Work area. The sampling frame rate to use when rendering the movie. The actual frame rate of the composition is unchanged. The frame rate of the final encoded movie is determined by the output module settings. See Frame rate. Skip Existing Files. Lets you rerender part of a sequence of files without wasting time on previously rendered frames. When rendering a sequence of files, After Effects locates files that are part of the current sequence, identifies the missing frames, and then renders only those frames, inserting them where they belong in the sequence.

You can also use this option to render an image sequence on multiple computers. See Render a still-image sequence with multiple computers.

The current image sequence must have the same name as the existing image sequence, and the starting frame number, frame rate, and time span must be the same. You must render to the folder that contains the previously rendered frames.

Output module settings apply to each render item and determine how the rendered movie is processed for final output. Use output module settings to specify file format, output color profile, compression options, and other encoding options for final output.

You can also use output module settings to crop, stretch, or shrink a rendered movie; doing this after rendering is often useful when you are generating multiple kinds of output from a single composition. Output module settings are applied to the rendered output that is generated according to the render settings.

For some formats, an additional dialog box opens when you choose the format in the Output Module Settings dialog box. You can modify these settings and use settings presets to specify format-specific options, such as compression options.

You can apply multiple output modules to each render item, which is useful when you want to make more than one version of a movie from one render. For example, you can automate the creation of a movie and its alpha matte, or you can create high-resolution and low-resolution versions of a movie. Before rendering, check the Audio Output settings in the Output Module Settings dialog box to ensure that they are correct.

To render audio, Audio Output must be selected. If your composition does not include audio, do not select Audio Output, so that the size of the rendered file does not increase needlessly. You can set the output module of multiple render queue items at the same time.

Select the render queue items, and then choose an output module template from the Output Module Settings menu for one of the items. You can drag an output module to the Project panel to import the finished movie or a placeholder into the project for use as a footage item. Andrew Kramer provides a video tutorial with tips for working with proxies, output modules, and output module templates on the Video Copilot website.

You can choose a custom output module settings template or one of the preset output module settings templates. Several templates are provided, including the Lossless template for creating movies for transfer to video, film, or an NLE system.

The default output module settings template is assigned to a render item when it is created. To change which output module template is the default, hold down Ctrl Windows or Command Mac OS as you choose an output module template from the menu.

To change output module settings for multiple output modules at once, select the output modules and then choose an output module template. The template is applied to all selected output modules. You perform the following tasks in the Output Module Templates dialog box. For information on using controls in the Color Management area of the Output Module Settings dialog box, see Assign an output color profile.

Include Project Link. Specifies whether to include information in the output file that links to the source After Effects project. When you open the output file in another application, such as Adobe Premiere Pro, you can use the Edit Original command to edit the source project in After Effects. Specifies whether to include XMP metadata in the output file from the files used as sources for the rendered composition. XMP metadata can travel all the way through After Effects from source files, to footage items, to compositions, to rendered and exported files.

Post-Render Action. Specifies an action for After Effects to perform after the composition is rendered. See Post-render actions. Format Options. The output channels contained in the output movie. Not all codecs support alpha channels. Therefore, you do not have to specify an alpha interpretation each time you import an item created in After Effects.

Specifies the color depth of the output movie. Certain formats may limit depth and color settings. Specifies how colors are created with the alpha channel. Choose from either Premultiplied Matted or Straight Unmatted. See Alpha channel interpretation: premultiplied or straight. Specifies the number for the starting frame of a sequence. The Use Comp Frame Number option adds the starting frame number in the work area to the starting frame of the sequence. Specifies the size of your output movie.

Select Lock Aspect Ratio To if you want to retain the existing frame aspect ratio when resizing the frame. See Scaling a movie down and Scaling a movie up. Used to subtract or add rows or columns of pixels to the edges of the output movie. You can specify the number of rows or columns of pixels to be added or subtracted from the top, left, bottom, and right sides of the movie.

Use positive values to crop, and use negative values to add rows or columns of pixels. Select Region Of Interest to export only the region of interest selected in the Composition or Layer panel. See Region of interest ROI. By adding one row of pixels to the top and subtracting one row from the bottom of a movie, you can change the field order. Audio Output. Specifies the sample rate, sample depth 8 Bits or 16 Bits , and playback format Mono or Stereo.

Choose a sample rate that corresponds to the capability of the output format. Choose an 8-bit sample depth for playback on the computer, and a bit sample depth for CD and digital audio playback or for hardware that supports bit playback. The specifications for some formats impose limits on audio parameters. In such cases, audio options may be unavailable for modification in the Output Module Settings dialog box.

Also, audio options for some formats are set in the export settings dialog box for that format. Click the warning icon to see a detailed message that describes how the output file will be modified to meet the format constraints.

You can go back and change composition settings, render settings, and output module settings if you don't want After Effects to make the changes automatically in the output module. For more information about output module constraints and the warnings for mismatches in frame rate, dimensions, and pixel aspect ratio, see the Adobe website.

Compression is essential for reducing the size of movies so that they can be stored, transmitted, and played back effectively. Compression is achieved by an encoder; decompression is achieved by a decoder. Encoders and decoders are known by the common term codec. No single codec or set of settings is best for all situations. For example, the best codec for compressing cartoon animation is generally not efficient for compressing live-action video.

Similarly, the best codec for playback over a slow network connection is generally not the best codec for an intermediate stage in a production workflow. For information on planning your work with final output in mind, see Planning your work. After Effects uses an embedded version of the Adobe Media Encoder to encode most movie formats through the Render Queue panel.

For most output formats, you can specify format-specific encoding and compression options. In many cases, a dialog box opens and presents these options when you choose a format to export to or click the Format Options button in the Output Module settings dialog box. See Output modules and output module settings.

Key Frame Every. In QuickTime terminology, the term key frames refers to something different from the change-over-time keyframes placed in the After Effects Timeline panel. In QuickTime, key frames are frames that occur at regular intervals in the movie. During compression, they are stored as complete frames. Each intermediate frame that separates them is compared to the previous frame, and only changed data is stored.

Using key frames greatly reduces movie size and greatly increases the memory required to edit and render a movie. Shorter intervals between key frames enable faster seeking and reverse playback, but can significantly increase the size of the file.

Frame Reordering. Note : For more information on QuickTime, see the Apple website. You can use post-render actions to automate simple tasks that occur after a composition is rendered. Imports the rendered file into the project and substitutes it for the specified item. Drag the pick whip to the item to replace in the Project panel to specify it.

For example, you can set one render item to use a watch folder and multiple computers to create a still-image sequence, and then the next render item can render a single movie file from that still-image sequence. See Network rendering with watch folders and render engines. Sets the rendered file as a proxy for the specified item.

Drag the pick whip to the item in the Project panel item to specify it. Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Buy now. User Guide Cancel. Rendering and exporting overview. What is rendering? Note : See Project settings for more information about project settings that determine how time is displayed in the project, how color data is treated in the project, and what sampling rate to use for audio.

See Composition settings to learn how you can specify composition settings such as resolution, frame size, and pixel aspect ratio for your final rendered output. You might need a movie file for the following reasons:. You need a compressed movie that will be played on the web, or used for DVD or Blu-ray disc.

Render and export with the Render Queue panel. Manage render items. Render settings determine the following characteristics: Output frame rate Duration Resolution Layer quality Output module settings—which are applied after render settings—determine post-rendering characteristics such as the following: Output format Compression options Cropping Whether to embed a link to the project in the output file You can create templates that contain commonly used render settings and output module settings.

Using the Render Queue panel, you can render the same composition to different formats or with different settings, all with one click of the Render button, for example: You can output to a sequence of still images, such as a Cineon sequence, which you can then transfer to film for cinema projection. Render and export a movie using the render queue. Select the composition from which to make a movie in the Project panel, and then do one of the following to add the composition to the render queue:.

OR Drag the composition to the Render Queue panel. Choose a Log type from the Log menu. Click the Render button in the upper-right corner of the Render Queue panel. Render queue panel options. Render Queue panel with render information.


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